This page includes links to pages dedicated to some occasions worth remembering.
Getting married -
The link is to a site created by some of our friends when Orit and I
got married. Its main content is an image featuring them all, as they
pose as the Hebrew words "With Love to Mickey and Orit".
In the many years that have passed since we received this wedding
present, a framed version of this picture has always graced our walls
in a prominent place, and this despite several house moves (and one
continent move). It still moves me to tears.
Discovering Australia - The link is
to a site Orit and I prepared following our 2005 trip to Australia,
when we
came as tourists and roamed about the country for a few weeks. It was
impossible not to fall in love with the place immediately. Two years
later we moved in to stay, and now we are proud Australians, parents to
two kids who were born here and grew up in Melbourne.
Completing my PhD - The link is to a batch
of images from the submission of my PhD thesis. This was quite an
occasion. Featured in the pictures are Graham Farr, my main supervisor
(My associate supervisor, Ian Wanless, was unfortunately out of the
country), the university's provost, Edwina Cornish, and many members
of the Discrete Math Research Group, which was a constant source of aide
and support throughout the research. Also in the pictures are my wife
Orit and my daughter Maayan, who came to make sure that this is done,
and that after three years of suffering through this, they will finally
get some well-deserved me-time. The submission itself included me giving
four copies of the thesis to be evaluated, filling out some forms, and
receiving in return a gold pen.
Aurora Australis in Melbourne - A small gallery of images we took during a rare Aurora Australis event in Melbourne.